Have you ever wished you could change your life in an instant, to something different, new, better, perhaps safer, richer and more fun?
What if I told you that yes, you can and you actually do that quite often?
Join me in this quirky, fun, eye opening and profound (at the same time) conversation with my special guest – Cynthia Sue Larson about the two types of Quantum Jumps; reality shifting; The Mandela Effect, karma and destiny; consciousness; parallel universes; parallel timelines; was the COVID 19 pandemic a global shift to another reality; and SO much more!
Enjoy and please share!
Music: Purple Planet Music
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Consciousness Audio Chapter
Hear Cynthia Sue Larson read a chapter she wrote for the book, 2012 Creating Your Own Shift, "When Consciousness Changes the Physical World."
Aura Awareness article
Read an article by Cynthia Sue Larson describing the amazing power of the one thing you take with you wherever you go--your aura. Find out ways you can improve your life by brightening your energy field in this inspirational article.
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