
About Meditation

Meditation is one of the oldest spiritual practices people have been using to connect with the Spirit and their Higher Guidance. Over the past 100 years or so, meditation has been progressively adopted as a modern spiritual and wellbeing practice, once its beneficial effects on our physical and mental health have been noted, tested and verified.

As we are now coming the full circle from the dogma of religion to materialism and back to spirituality (at a higher level), we are increasingly recognising and embracing meditation as an important practice supporting our mind, body and soul.

There are several different types of meditation, each serving a different purpose, which I have grouped into five broad categories:

-  Daydreaming – third eye visualisation (high Alpha brainwaves)
Mindfulness meditation – heightened self-awareness and introspection (mid Alpha brainwaves)
Walking meditation – focus on the body movement to empty your mind  (mid Alpha brainwaves)
Focus meditation – being in the NOW using one’s breath or a mantra (low Alpha brainwaves)
Transcendental meditation – a deep state of pure consciousness bypassing the ego and connecting with All That Is

Key benefits of the meditation practice include:

- Reduced stress, anxiety and depression
- Improved sleep
- Eliminated or significantly reduced chronic pain
- Strengthened immune system and protection against illness and disease
- Improved resilience and self-esteem
- Increased positive attitude and decreased negativity
- Emotional balance and a sense of inner peace

Theta Meditation

Theta Meditation is the deepest meditative state in the category of transcendental meditation.

It is a state of altered consciousness; a portal to extra-sensory perception, experiences and insight through the activated pineal gland. It bypasses the conscious mind (ego) and brings up a sense of pure consciousness, being one with the Cosmos, with ALL THAT IS.  In this deep state we lose the awareness of our physical body, our identity, of space and time.

It is an elusive state which occurs naturally twice in the 24 hrs cycle between wakefulness and sleep, when the predominant brainwave frequency is between 4-8 Hz (Theta). 

Our brain's electromagnetic frequency changes throughout the 24-hour cycle. From Delta (sleep) to Theta (between sleep and awakened state) to Alpha (relaxed) to Beta (fully alert) - and then as we winding down for the day in bed, it slows down to Alpha then to Theta and finally Delta. You can see the correlation of the brainwaves to the meditative state in my Diagram.

While we are going through Theta naturally twice a day, it is difficult to achieve it on demand, let alone maintain for several minutes; however, this process can be learnt and mastered with few easy techniques.  Once we can maintain the Theta state for several minutes in meditation - that's where Magic begins.

I call Theta Meditation "The Game Changer".

In this deep meditative state your consciousness merges with the Quantum Field where your can heal your mind and body; visualise and create your future; reprogram your unconscious mind by replacing old habits with the new ones; receive guidance and insights from your Higher Self, other dimensions and spiritual realms; and completely rejuvenate as 20 minutes of this meditation can refresh you as much as eight hours of sleep.

If you have been meditating for many years using various meditation techniques and have never achieved a Theta state  - I promise that you will know once you are there, as this experience is unmistakable. A number of people sitting in my guided meditations coming from an audio or in a class, experienced this transcendental, delicious Theta state for the very first time.

Theta Meditation is particularly effective because of the amazing properties of the 8 Hz its higher end.

In the Theta state:
- You can walk on red hot coals without pain or blisters (fire walk)
- Your unconscious mind can be accessed and programmed - this state is used in hypnosis
- Your creativity, intuition, extrasensory perception and psychic abilities are significantly heightened

Why is the 8 Hz frequency so special?

There is a growing consensus that 8 Hz is the frequency of the Quantum Field; a secret password which removes the veil between the dimensions. This sacred and secret knowledge has been known to many ancient civilisations for thousands of years as they regularly engaged in shamanistic rituals designed to induce trance – effectively a Theta state – to connect with the Spirit and gain information and insights from other worlds.

- The “Heartbeat of the Earth”, known as the Schumann Resonance, is at 7.83 Hz
- The human DNA is said to vibrate at 8 Hz during replication
- Quantum physics tells us that electrons oscillate (appear and disappear) between this dimension and the Quantum Field 7.8 times per second (7.8 Hz)
- Healers slow down their brainwaves to 8 Hz and entrain their patient's brain with the same frequency to induce the healing
- It is believed that the pineal gland – the door to our Divinity - pulsates eight times per second (8 Hz)

As you can see, Theta Meditation is a game changer.  However, it's not easy to achieve this state at will, let alone maintain for several minutes.

That's why, I have created The Instructional Theta Meditation Package (now republished as a fully revised and expanded Second Edition) that will help you do just that. It includes an informative eBook and a deeply relaxing, 33-minute guided Theta meditation on a stunning musical background that will teach you how to achieve the Theta state. If you find it difficult to achieve the Theta state in your meditation, this Package is for you.

Inspirational Meditations

After practising and teaching Theta meditation for the past several years, I decided to introduce what I call Inspirational Meditation. It is a type of light meditation designed to take the listener down just to the relaxed Alpha state of about 8-14 Hz rather than the deep Theta of 4-8 Hz.

The Alpha level of consciousness is most conducive to learning, creating, dreaming, reflecting and processing information in a deeply relaxed and open state of mind. While in Theta we are very much "out there", dissolving in our unconscious mind merged with the Quantum Field, in Alpha we are floating in and out between the two realities, remaining aware on the periphery of our physical state.

When we listen to a story being read to us, for example, we quickly slip into Alpha, as we create a movie in our mind of the story we hear. We change words into a movie we can watch or play an active part in, so it's always a good fun.

The Inspirational Meditations I have created, induce a light Alpha state to receive guided inspirations; reflections and profound messages about who we are and how we interact with the world. My Seven Daily Meditations for Monday to Sunday enhance this experience by activating the seven chakras, each linked to the energy of the specific day of the week. You will find further details on the meditation page.

My Guided Meditations *

Inspirational Meditations - Seven Daily Meditations for Monday to Sunday (in Alpha)
Dissolve -  A deeply relaxing and uplifting guided meditation (in Alpha)
Cosmology -  Three guided Theta meditations: Abundance, Healing, Soul Journey (in Theta)
The Instructional Theta Meditation Package - Second Edition (eBook & audio) (in Theta)

* Please contact me if you are interested in any of these meditations and I will send you the details. All payments and downloads are done manually at present while I'm changing my store. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Such beautiful and soothing meditations...I've never been put into a peaceful state faster! Also deep wisdom embedded within them that's soulful and inspiring. Anna has out done herself with these. Highly recommended!
Courtney G.

Anna’s meditations and of course her educational podcasts have become part of my daily routine. In one word, I can only say, superb.

Prepare yourself to smile and say "Wow, wonderful, now I want more please" after listening to Anna's Theta Meditation. The interplay between her gentle guidance and time to do your 'own work' (supporting sound tracts get high marks on their own) is superb.
The Cosmology Album is a sheer tour-de-force in understanding and participation in the Quantum Universe. It is absolutely extraordinary how Anna synthesizes key elements of Quantum experience, knowledge and meditations taking the listener to new realms of understanding themselves. Recommend Very highly.
