About My Podcast
For the Mind, Body & Soul
An engaging, thought provoking and inspiring podcast in a true style of uncommon conversations at the intersection of science & spirituality. A deep dive into the nature of Reality, Consciousness and the Cosmos bringing the spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric concepts down to the practical level where we can use them to make our life a little easier and to learn and grow.
This podcast is bold and unexpected, with paradigm shifting narratives testing the status quo. The Host doesn’t shy away from controversial topics and challenging questions, as she ventures into deep rabbit holes and out on a limb as far as she can. A kind of investigative journalism that will keep you engaged and wanting more!
Whether you are listening to this podcast driving or commuting; doing chores around the house; relaxing on a couch or flying in a spaceship across the galaxy - enjoy and please share!

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across the World and the Universe
* New Episode Every Week *

Anna Anderson
Podcast Creator
Personal & spiritual development has always been
the key focus of my life. With unstoppable curiosity since my early childhood, I
have made it my life's quest to find out how Life really works. An early Indigo child, born to a psychic lineage of the European gypsies, I've always had a strong connection with the Spirit and a highly developed 6th sense.
My academic background in Communication and Media Production, together with my professional coaching & counselling and energy healing training, allowed me to set up a Personal Transformation and Healing practice I called Quantum Living® that offers unique services and programs based on science, spirituality, mysticism and esoteric practice.
As a Quantum Living® Coach, Mentor & Teacher, Spiritual Guide and Energy Healer, I've been working with people from around the globe for almost two decades. This Podcast is an important part of my work to help people reconnect with their Higher Self and raise the frequency of the collective consciousness on this planet. Thank you for listening and your support!
***If you are seeking professional guidance and support on your personal & spiritual journey, you might be interested in my 1-1 Quantum Living® Coaching and Mentoring Programs conducted online. Through these unique and powerful programs, over the past 20 years I have helped hundreds of people find what they were looking for. Please contact me for more information***
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