S4 E28: True Resonance
June 13, 202358:41

S4 E28: True Resonance

This episode is like a little shiny pearl at the bottom of the lotus flower pond – it is so beautiful and mesmerising that you simply can’t take your eyes of it (in this case your ears!).

In this delightful, engaging and inspirational conversation with my special guest Dr Shamini Jain, you will hear:

  • What quantum entanglement, ancient esoteric teachings and neurophysiology have in common in explaining the nature of life and reality
  • The relationship between the four key aspects of reality:  Consciousness/ consciousness/Biofields/biofields elegantly explained through a beautiful story of Shakti and Shiva
  • What are the Akashic Records and the Karmic Clouds
  • How we are creating our reality
  • Why finding even a little joy in the deepest suffering is the key secret and the secret key to unlocking the prison of our mind [KEY TAKEAWAY]
  • The real nature of the placebo effect in healing
  • A fascinating question whether an organ transplant extends the consciousness of the donor to the consciousness of the recipient (an idea for an entanglement and consciousness study in kidney transplants, perhaps for the researchers at IONS?...)

We also explore a mind boggling and profound question put forth by The Mad Hatter: “A dream is not reality; but who’s to say which is which?”, coupled with my question where does our consciousness go while we are asleep?

Trust me – you will LOVE it and want more!

Enjoy and please share!

Music: Purple-Planet Music




TEDx Berkeley 2022:  We’re Wired To Heal Each Other: The Science of Interconnection  


Learn about the latest evidence behind mind-body-spirit, placebo, and energy healing practices, and get self-healing practices from leading scientists, healers and teachers in the field, including Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Donna Eden, Cyndi Dale, Sue Morter, Ervin Lazlo, Mimi Guarneri and many more!  CE Credits available. 


Get free bonus meditations and conversations with healing leaders with your purchase of Dr. Jain's Nautilus-award winning, bestselling book, "Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health" with Sounds True Publications.


Get a free Healing Report from Dr. Jain's nonprofit, the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, and get a free meditation to open your heart to healing wisdom, with Dr. Jain.


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