S4 E7: The 6th Sense of Quantum Living
September 06, 202224:29

S4 E7: The 6th Sense of Quantum Living

Quantum living is about being aware of and present in both the physical reality and the spiritual dimensions at the same time, and using both to our advantage.

Are you living in a quantum way? Do you know how to access and develop your 6th sense? What is the connection between the two?

In this episode I explain the concept of quantum living and how it depends on the information we receive through the 6th sense from the three levels of bio-energy:  our body, our biofield (aura) and the quantum field. I also discuss the key aspects of the bio-energy as a whole.

In this episode, you will also learn about the 6 different "ages" we have: chronological, existential, biological, personal, emotional and soul age. Have fun identifying them for yourself and your loved ones! :-)

This episode includes a simple yet powerful technique that will help you tune in to different energy fields – your body, your aura and the quantum field.

Enjoy and please share!

Music: purple-planet.com

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