S5 E27: Hacking The Matrix

S5 E27: Hacking The Matrix

If you think you've heard it all - think again.

This is the most uncommon amongst all my uncommon conversations on this podcast, in more aspects than one. It is hard hitting, unapologetic, eye opening and important.

With my special guest Cate Montana we are hacking the Matrix of this reality, exposing its insidious programming and agendas most likely you haven't heard 0f before.

Even if you don't accept the premise of an intelligent anti-life force from another Source permeating our world, I encourage you to just put in on your radar and listen to this conversation more than once.

I also encourage you to read Cate's book "Cracking The Matrix" which this episode is drawing on. You will find the link to it in the full show notes on the podcast website.

Amongst many other issues, we talk about anorexia. This is a very sensitive and serious topic, and I thought long and hard before deciding to include it in this conversation in hope that the information and advice we offer will help those who are struggling with this illness or know someone who does. Hope is the operative word here; as you will hear there is definitely a way to heal, and it's not what you think.

So fasten your seat belt and come with us for the ride!

Enjoy and please share! :-)

Music: Purple-Planet Music

Website:  https://www.catemontana.com

Substack:    https://cmontana.substack.com

Book:  Cracking The Matrix

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