S6 E4: A New Science of the Afterlife

S6 E4: A New Science of the Afterlife

Fasten your seatbelts, folks.

If you think you’ve heard it all about mediumship and communication with people who have crossed over to the Other Side – think again. Your mind is about to expand well past the boundaries you didn’t believe can be crossed.

 Please join me in this jaw-dropping conversation with my special guest Daniel Drasin as we talk about:

  •  the nature of Reality and The Afterlife

  • the irrefutable evidence of the survival of human consciousness after physical death which is absolutely mind blowing, and was received under strict scientific supervision and review

  • the paradise islands in the Ocean of Consciousness that souls can create on the Other Side

You will also here about my own personal experience with cross-dimensional communication and much more!

Enjoy and please share! :-)

Music: Purple-Planet Music


Daniel Drasin is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and has been a photographer and media producer for more than six decades. Since the early 1990s, as featured in his documentaries Calling Earth, and Scole: The Afterlife Experiment, Daniel has been actively investigating the field of afterlife communication through traditional mental and physical mediumship as well as modern electronics. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

YouTube: bit.ly/dansytvids
Facebook: https://facebook.com/daniel.drasin
Website: https://dandrasin.com

Book on Amazon – A New Science of the Afterlife

Dan's two must-see documentaries on Vimeo (free)

Calling Earth

Scole: The Afterlife experiment

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